TEX cbc 300 HJ
The TEX CBC 300 HJ is a bakery platform that is capable of making bread under an all-encompassing cover (canvas , shed , lean-to…).It is self-sufficient and very easy to drive (van , lorry , trailer, heli-hoisting). Its production capacity is 140 loaves of 200g per hour – 28 kg of bread per hour. All the elements of the bakery are integrated to the platform and are already connected to electriciy , a general cabinet , to water , by means of a circuit fitted with a collector , a pressure limiter and a pump. The bakery platform be used directly on the ground or on duckboards (option).The TEX CBC 300 HJ has proved indispensable for field hospitals, military camps , isolated sites.

Small unit mounted on a platform of less than 1 ton.
-> Installation on site: 10 minutes.
-> Production capacity per day in crisis period: 8 000 individual loaves – 24/24.
-> Dimension L x W x H : 2,10m x 2m x 1,10m